How AI is Driving the Future of Content Marketing

With the rise in technology, content marketing doesn’t have to be hard. Here we explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can benefit content creators and make their work easier. We’ll also show how some of these may work and give recommendations for some useful AI tools for content marketers.

With the rapid growth of machine learning technologies and algorithms, it seems we encounter a new capability of AI every other day. These can range from capabilities like beating the chess grandmaster to solving complex scientific problems. 

A new industry that AI has made a big impact is in content marketing. As you may have already seen, AI algorithms from firms like Google and Meta have made leaps in personalized marketing for individuals. In fact, the entire SEO industry depends on Google’s search engine algorithm, which is a machine learning marvel.

The best machine learning algorithms can help content marketers in various ways, including content research, finding keywords, market research, SEO, and more. Most recently, machine learning bots were even able to generate original content. Let’s explore some of these in detail.

Areas Where AI Can Impact Content Marketing

Content marketing is a vast field that covers several areas. AI has been making a difference in a large share of these industries, such as:

Content Research

Research and ideation are two tasks in content creation that many creators struggle with. Having a nearly unlimited amount of information in the world leaves little room for original ideas. It also creates the problem of information overload, which can cause writer’s block. However, these tasks can be a breeze for AI.

With the incredible power of machine learning and data mining, it becomes easy for computers to analyze those large amounts of information in seconds. AI based algorithms can crunch large amounts of research information and give you a list of topics that are likely to be popular.


You may have already seen your preferred word processor’s spelling and grammar checker get smarter over time. But, if you noticed carefully, you might have also seen it suggest better synonyms of common words, phrases that sound more confident, etc.

This is another application of machine learning in content marketing. AI can read through the content and suggest improvements using Natural Language Processing (NLP). One of the most popular tools in this category is Grammarly.


As mentioned above, AI tools are now able to generate completely original content on their own. While this isn’t a replacement for human writers yet, it can still work well with short content pieces such as sports stories, stock updates, and more.

The algorithms have gotten so good that most media companies have adopted them already. The content generated by these content bots is almost indistinguishable from that written by a human.

Identifying Trends

Identifying and predicting patterns is something machine learning has excelled at since the very beginning. As the algorithms have improved, they have become so much better at predicting market trends that their accuracy is nearly 100%.

In fact, one of the biggest names in identifying trends using machine learning is Google’s YouTube. The YouTube algorithm may get a ton of hate from creators, but it excels at recommending trending content to its users.


Content personalization is important when you need your target audience to relate to your brand. This is also one of the biggest requirements for ranking high on search engines such as Google. Thankfully, Artificial Intelligence has your back here as well.

Using user data, algorithms can effectively predict what your audience would like and dislike. This allows content markers to generate personalized content that caters to their target audience and that is delivered at exactly the right time for them to read it.


Content optimization is another task that has become easier with the help of AI. There are a ton of tools that can be used to recommend popular and relevant keywords and phrases that need to be included in the content.

Google Trends has been doing this for years and has helped millions of articles, blogs, and websites rank higher in their respective searches. AI can give content marketers an edge in helping their content rank higher with ease.

How is AI driving Original Content Writing?

The growth in AI has been massive in recent years, thanks to the increased interest in its development. As a result, the algorithms we use today for content marketing are vastly different from what would have been used years ago.

In its earlier days, we would have used classification algorithms for content research. Unfortunately, these algorithms were rather slow and inaccurate, with several false positives and negatives.

Modern algorithms have transcended machine learning and currently use Deep Learning and Neural Networks for analyzing content. Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows machines to read and understand human languages, allowing them to go beyond algorithmic analysis.

This has helped make leaps such as original content creation. Another popular technology that helps in content generation is the Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT-3). It is a language prediction tool that has helped machines write longer blogs and even summarize content written by a human in flawless language.

Tools Available for AI-Driven Content Marketing

Reading about the possibilities of what AI can help content creators accomplish is likely to make you want to try it for yourself. We’ve compiled a list of popular existing tools that use advanced AI to help you get started:

  • Grammarly
  • WriteSonic
  • Jasper.AI
  • Market Muse
  • Surfer SEO
  • AI Writer

Final Thoughts

Artificial Intelligence has already made a big difference in our content marketing. As it gets more powerful, its benefits are only going to increase. So if you’re looking for an easy way to get started in the content industry, some of the tools we’ve mentioned will help.

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